What this blog is

This is going to be used as a dream journal. I want to write my dreams as soon as I wake up so they will be fresh in my mind. They make not make sense sometimes, though. Have fun reading!

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I was in a house in this little neighborhood and lived with ej, grandma, another old lady who might have been a great aunt, someone supposed to be my aunt, and another younger boy. I had heard on the news a freak storm was coming and it might kill some people if you aren't inside. Ej had got mad at me and left earlier that day so I ran down the street to find him. He was in a bar with Dave and wouldn't leave because he was mad at me. I begged because of the storm but he said no leave me alone. When I go outside to leave there is so much mud outside and people are panicking because of the storm so they are trying to run and it's like quicksand so a lot of people got stuck and we're sinking and dying. So I make it out and go to this little carnival right down the street to try to find some friends to warn them. I get there and they say the storm is almost there so I try to find something to hide in with other people so it wouldn't fly away, but I realized nothing was safe and my house was only a couple houses down the road. The people at the carnival said I wasn't allowed to leave but I ran as fast as I could and I came to the end of the road where my house was and it was in one of those turn around areas and right above the houses was the hugest strike of lightning it turned red blue and yellow and was so loud it hurt my ears. Then all of the sudden all of the lights in the whole block explode and everyone loses power. I go inside the house but I could barely get the door open because of the wind. I guess our house had a generator because the lights were on and I could barely close the door. The first thing I see is two reclining chairs facing in the sideway direction. Earlier in my dream before the storm the one old lady in my house had to have the ambulance called because she thought she was having a heart attack and I remember speaking to her calmly so it wouldn't kill her before she got to the hospital. Anyway I see only one old lady in the chair and I sit down thinking it was my grandma since the other old lady had a heart attack and I look and it's not her. She tells me first that ej didn't make it, he was trying to get back after I came to see him but didn't make it and died. Also my grandmother died earlier that day from the worst cancer she could have (which is what my grandma had) and didn't know it. I woke up crying hysterically. 

Monday, September 30, 2013


These people like came to get me, I was at my house and there were other people outside like them who were playing some kind of Halloween game but they could like see in the dark and could see stuff I couldn't so it was terrifying for me, and someone gave me like a bag full of these shots you have to take to the company so you can get changed. I went and I remember him saying okay look at the ceiling and you will see blurry then he kept asking if It hurt and it didn't. But afterwards I couldn't speak good. I was supposed to look like a new person like better but I didn't I looked zombieish but I guess I was supposed to be more beautiful or something. I thought it was like the host but I guess its just improving you, so I had a few more shots and I gave one to my mom and Jon. I remember I guess I had something in my head and it came out so I was waiting to get that fixed some kind of little antenna thing and I also remember me and guy from freaks and geeks had to find another one of our friends before they killed him because he wouldnt change.

Monday, September 23, 2013


Haven't had any vivid dreams in a while, and this one when I wrote it down was terribly written (obviously because I was half asleep) so bear with me on it haha

I had a dream somehow I got a hold of this dog that if it bit you you had to get medicine or you could die. I remember like being able to crumble the dog up and it didn't die which was weird. I would have to like hold a cloth over it and I got bit and I went crying to what looked like a clinic. They gave me medicine and I was the only one who had gotten the disease because I guess it happened like a long time ago and they have medicine for it. So we were trying to go somewhere on the road and we had to walk like we couldn't get there by driving in a car or anything we had to walk. It looked like a zombie apocalypse but there was no zombies just like one dog. I think many people have turned into zombies after they got bit or maybe they just died and there wasnt a lot of people left I don't really know. I don't know what happened to the dog it turned into a monkey at some point but anyway I'm walking and I find this house and the guy inside was like really weird. I got to the house and the kids were outside and we were like is anyone home and she said she can't remember so we went inside and the dad was going crazy. I said I had to use the restroom and I went upstairs and I can like see everyone who is downstairs through a vent and I hear the dad screaming. I look down and can see this body running below my in between me and the bottom floor where the people are and the dad is screaming its a dead body, like a dead guy who would move sometimes (idk). The dad was yelling that he just needs to burn the house down to get rid of the dead body because it wouldn't leave and I remember trying to take everything we could before we left. I tried to grab his keys (which were actually my keys in real life) and then he kicked us out and we got away with like one or two things I don't know what they were and then we had to keep walking (somewhere) and then I woke up.

Friday, August 2, 2013


All I remember about this dream was that I looked behind me and saw that a bridge had collapsed and fell into the river. I think it was supposed to be the Brownsville Bridge. I remember I felt like I was in shock at what had happened. For some stupid reason I went out on the rubble of the bridge to I think get a picture of it, and to see if anyone was on the bridge when it collapsed. I remember where I was standing had started to collapse as well and I ended up in the river which was freezing. I almost died until someone pulled me out last minute. Then I had another really short dream where I remember seeing a dead squirrel, then someone who I was with picked it up and (for some really weird reason) it turned into a dog, like a wolf looking dog. I guess it was supposed to have rabies, but it started attacking everyone. It tried to attack me and I was screaming for someone to help me, but everyone was just like watching the dog attack me. It got a hold of my arm and I woke up, my arm was numb when I woke up.

Monday, July 22, 2013


Robert Pattinson as Edward from Twilight was my boyfriend in this dream. We were together when he got a phone call and stopped, but told me to keep walking. He caught up obviously because of his fast walk thing that the vampires on Twilight can do. He told me he had to leave and I had to do exactly what he told me. I went home, apparently on the news there was severe flooding warnings so they were closing off the town and under the bridges to leave town, putting up gates and walls to not let people in or go out. I remember going home, grabbing my phone to keep in contact with Edward, a gun, and two bullets, just in case I needed to kill myself instead of drowning (I know, crazy right?). I don't remember exactly what the plan was, but I remember I was trying to tell people what to do with me so I could save as many people as I could. I trusted Edward who told me what to do via phone. I knew he would save me if I needed it. The rain started and people were panicking, I knew I had to make it to the ocean, which was (for some odd reason) at the end of the road that was being blocked off. A lot of stuff happened that I can't remember but the next thing I remember is going back to my house where my family and friends were. I told them to follow me and follow what I did if they wanted to stay alive. We got up to the gates, which were closing but not all the way closed and I made it under (The water was pretty deep already and the gates were almost to the ground). We just had to lift them up a little to get under, me and a few other people made it. I had no time to worry about others, because if I did, I would die too. The final wall only I made it through, it was a big thick cement wall and I had made it under right before it closed. I made it to the ocean, and had to listen to all the other people scream as they drowned. I don't know what I was supposed to do after I made it to the ocean, because I woke up. I will never know if I saw Robert Pattinson again, so sad.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013


I was at my high school band room. A big group of people were waiting to hear awards being called out. I met a girl and she said she played the flute and the french horn in band (I played the flute and tenor sax). We were talking for a while (I don't remember what about) and I hear my name got called for an award. I won an award for best green bean casserole (not really sure why that is a high school award). Then my new friend, the dog Jake from Adventure Time, Harry Potter, and I went to the back of the room in a little cave type area. We were in charge of watching this weird flower thing that was growing out of the wall. I don't know what the heck happened after that but some lady from Harry Potter (obviously I don't like Harry Potter) got banished or something and was sent into another dimension, but I  could see it from her point of view for a minute. By the way, Harry Potter was supposed to be my boyfriend. Then I remember Jake the dog was being all weird and like flopping all over the place, I think he was supposed to be sick. That's all I remember.

Friday, July 5, 2013


Forgot to post this one. I only remember the end. I sent this to my cousin Emily and she thought I was drunk texting her at 7a.m.

I went to my cousin Emily's house. It was like 6 in the morning. As I walked inside I noticed she had a car (she doesn't have her license yet). I walked into her house and up the stairs to find that she was getting a shower. So I sat in her room for a minute or two. Then after she was done, I remember we went downstairs where her mom was. We all ate cereal (since it was breakfast time) and watched National Treasure 2.