What this blog is

This is going to be used as a dream journal. I want to write my dreams as soon as I wake up so they will be fresh in my mind. They make not make sense sometimes, though. Have fun reading!

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I was in a house in this little neighborhood and lived with ej, grandma, another old lady who might have been a great aunt, someone supposed to be my aunt, and another younger boy. I had heard on the news a freak storm was coming and it might kill some people if you aren't inside. Ej had got mad at me and left earlier that day so I ran down the street to find him. He was in a bar with Dave and wouldn't leave because he was mad at me. I begged because of the storm but he said no leave me alone. When I go outside to leave there is so much mud outside and people are panicking because of the storm so they are trying to run and it's like quicksand so a lot of people got stuck and we're sinking and dying. So I make it out and go to this little carnival right down the street to try to find some friends to warn them. I get there and they say the storm is almost there so I try to find something to hide in with other people so it wouldn't fly away, but I realized nothing was safe and my house was only a couple houses down the road. The people at the carnival said I wasn't allowed to leave but I ran as fast as I could and I came to the end of the road where my house was and it was in one of those turn around areas and right above the houses was the hugest strike of lightning it turned red blue and yellow and was so loud it hurt my ears. Then all of the sudden all of the lights in the whole block explode and everyone loses power. I go inside the house but I could barely get the door open because of the wind. I guess our house had a generator because the lights were on and I could barely close the door. The first thing I see is two reclining chairs facing in the sideway direction. Earlier in my dream before the storm the one old lady in my house had to have the ambulance called because she thought she was having a heart attack and I remember speaking to her calmly so it wouldn't kill her before she got to the hospital. Anyway I see only one old lady in the chair and I sit down thinking it was my grandma since the other old lady had a heart attack and I look and it's not her. She tells me first that ej didn't make it, he was trying to get back after I came to see him but didn't make it and died. Also my grandmother died earlier that day from the worst cancer she could have (which is what my grandma had) and didn't know it. I woke up crying hysterically. 

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